
Preppy Summer

Preppy Summer (1985) – Scene 4 – Rex Donahue (only 2 films!) and Lee Mann (6 films)

The magazine from this scene, Sucking Seniors, wants you to think these guys just got home from the prom. But in the film, Lee is a waiter (on vacation?) in Hawaii, and Rex is the rich customer. Irregardless, it’s a very sexy, romantic scene once they get in bed; something I’m surprised comes from Higgins, but others may disagree. Not sure if I still have a copy, but I can see that I’ve sold it on eBay at least twice, in 2002, and 2008. From me: This is supposed to be Mann’s “first time” with a guy – actually, the acting is rather believable, a bit of shyness, awkwardness. Part of the scene is viewed thru Donahue’s sheer bedsheets, as well as some all-black background shots. Very well shot, erotic, sensual, and very very hot! “

Believe it or not, these were the best pics I could cull from the magazine – sheesh!

VintageGayVids review

7 replies on “Preppy Summer”

well, I don’t ONLY post about men I get into – but in this case, there is something about the preppy look that in college, was gross and tempting at the same time – in this case, he has a nice bod!

Lee Mann, swoooon. I’d see guys like him in school and just melt inside, I found his type to be so hot. Tall, nice hair, great body, kind of a goofy swagger to his personality. Thanks for the link, I just wanted to say a few things here.

First off the slower Costello Presley song in this scene is one I never isolated or added to his playlist, it’s great though. Most of the Higgins films from the first half of the 80s have almost complete original scores, he really didn’t start borrowing from his earlier music until 86 or so.

This scene is ok, I like others in the film better than this one but it is unique in some ways. Tender as you said, and with a power dynamic involving Lee being the naive one and Rex the experienced in the ways of the gay world. Rex’s body is nice but his face is oddly shaped, like it’s too small but his eyes are still super big, I had a hard time getting past that about him.

In the WHCU (William Higgins Cinematic Universe) Lee had already appeared in both Pizza Boy” He Delivers and The Delivery Boys, and in both films he played the manager of the pizza joint. Though he only had sex in one of those, he was a non-sex cameo in the other. The other Higgins film he was in was Beyond Hawaii, which is where I think some tragedy befell the filming of the movie but I’ll leave that aside…

When he shows Mike Gibson his camera and mentions going to Hawaii, I think he’s talking about a trip he’s about to take, not one he already did. Then Mike says ‘wow trip to Hawaii, fancy camera, all on your salary as a waiter…’ and there’s this look between them, it seems to imply that now Lee is letting rich sugar daddies like Rex buy him things. And he and Rex looked like they were driving down a busy road in L.A. after they left the restaurant.

Actually the scene right after this one, with Lee, Mike and Ken Kerns on the bunkbeds is probably my favorite from this film. It’s more standard Higgins in showing off the sex with their hot bodies, big dicks and cumshots slowed down from different angles as opposed to building up the romantic pairing, like with this scene.

And I remember seeing the Sucking Seniors mag before with how it portrayed the two as having left the prom, that’s nowhere near the actual plot but by presenting it as a risque topic like that, it probably sold lots of copies.

OMG, I was so busy grooving on Rex’s hot body, I didn’t really notice the face thing until you said it, but you are so right! But I do think he’s handsome enough and I kept wondering what he’d look like with a mustache or beard.

and yes! re-looking at the clip as I was posting it, especially the pre-sex part, I’m thinking – oh, that face does NOT photograph well!

Very hot scene, if slow to build. I feel that these guys didn’t really know how to kiss either. Flicking tongues is not good kissing in my book, but whatever. I really liked the extended blow job. Sometimes they rush through that too fast. And 4 cum shots! It would’ve been cool to have them both cum during the blow job, and then again later at the end, but can’t complain.

I was also surprised that you posted this with the “preppy” blond (ish) clean cut guys. I was not particularly familiar with either of these guys, but both are lookers and well-endowed! I wonder what they might look like without the blond highlights (what I presume would have been their natural hair, but I could be wrong). I do feel like Rex with his muscle-y, scruffy body is closer to what we usually see here. I particularly like his belly fur.

Very interesting juxtaposition between the actual scene and the magazine portrayal. Nice way to present this. Of course, when I’ve seen the mag title in the past, I always think of the other kind of seniors first, not high schoolers. Not a bad thing though. I love that we are seeing more and more older men in gay porn these days. I’m not exactly looking to see men that remind me of my dad, but I like that the age range is no longer so narrow.

Thanks for sharing this one BJ!

Does anyone know whatever became of Lee Mann? So enjoyed his performance in The Other Side of Aspen II.

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