Friday, January 30, 2009
porno is hard Last week, just coincidentally the day I was preparing the Boys of Venice movie trailer, I get an email saying "Do you have any info on Butch McAlister aka Rick Masters?" I was about to shoot off a quick answer, pointing the gentleman to the last time I discussed this hot porno star, then realized I had incomplete info there - he's been in 4 films, not just three! Now this morning, I realize the count might be FIVE, and I need to do some more research before I get it right. So I figured the pick above, (with Clay Russell) from a magazine called Marine Set Up (which, as far as I know, was just a photo spread, not a film) might hold y'all over til I have more time to do more research. I can tell you he seemed to have nearly as many aliases as films - Butch Barnes, Butch McAllister, Rick Masters, and maybe even John Towers.
posted by bj at 8:47 AM
Thursday, January 29, 2009
re post from Jan 2006 Sailor In The Wild
   Director: William Higgins (1983) Starring: Bill Henson, Brian Thompson, Leo Ford, Buster, Rick "HUMONGOUS" Donovan,Cory Adams, Aaron Gage, Will, Matt, Dave Sommers Rick Donovan in his porno debut as a pool boy. Sound ho-hum?? Well, with Leo Ford as his cocksucker and bottom boy, not on your life! (Actually, if you've seen the film, you know the best moment is when Leo first goes down on Rick, as Rick is still limp, and Leo's hair is all messy and tussled from the swim they both had; then it cuts away to Rick's face, enjoying the blowjob, camera pans down to Rick's hard dick going in and out of Leo's face, and Leo's hair is suddenly combed and slicked back!) Anyhoo, here's a trailer from the film. Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.
posted by bj at 8:22 AM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
That HOT Texan Filmmaker The Boys of Venice
   director: William Higgins (1978) Starring: Eric Ryan, Kip Noll, Emanuelle Bravos, Clay Russell, Butch McAllister (AKA Butch Barnes, Rick Masters), Derrick Stanton, Johnny Stone, Jimmy Young, Scott Taylor, and Darla Lee (non-sex role). garsh, just listening to the voiceover for this trailer puts me back into the Bijou Theater 25-30 years ago! Just the way he says: That HOT, Texan filmmaker - with the disturbingly wrong emphasis/pause... Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.
posted by bj at 8:36 AM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
yeah, someone still reads it!  How cool to wake up with this hangover after drinking too much beer, foolishly thinking if i just waited til all the lights went on at 4:15 at that gash darn bar, someone would follow me into my cab going home... anyway, where was I? apparently the beer is still in me (where were all the recycling bears, anyway?) - what? where was i.... cool to wake up with hangover? where's my editor? ....just trailing off rambling..... oh yeah, email request for old posted clips to get re-posted, but you figured that out already from the reassuring picture above of Bruno enjoying Mr Mitchell. Director: Lou Thomas (aka: Jon Target), formerly of COLT STUDIOS (1978?) - Starring: Bruno & Rod Mitchell - original post back here Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.
posted by bj at 11:21 AM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Butt Hole Road OK, surely I am the last person on the planet to see this, but its so rare that reading the New York Times has me falling on the floor laughing - check this out - No Snickering: That Road Sign Means Something Else. I think my fave is North Piddle.
posted by bj at 2:03 PM
this n that never offer jocksniffing services publicly like in yer blog, as you'll likely be disappointed at the lack of takers - so NO! NO! NO! - i don't care how many of you try to shove yer jocks in my face at the Pinups 8 After party 10:00pm at Nowhere Bar tonight, aint gonna happen - I will not inhale!
In other news, a few weeks back I'm poking around my supergreatfantastic webhosting service - DREAMHOST, and clicked on, or signed up for, some sorta beta-something, and now I have UNLIMITED GOSHDARN BANDWIDTH! What does that mean to me? you inquire - it means you can surf through my archives and email me with a Hey Dude, can you put up that old clip of so-and-so doing such-n-such? and if you say it nice, perhaps with sexy inducements (or beer), I might just do it.
posted by bj at 9:19 AM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Rangers Lament update on Al Parker's film Rangers. A reader wrote in that he remembers seeing the missing "bear" scene in "A Night Alone with Al Parker" - and while the usual online resources gave little details about the content of that compilation video Al put out in 1988, I was able to figure out who the bear is. Remember my computer crash a few weeks ago?? I thank the gods I recovered it, as I still have the html file from selling a copy of "A Night Alone with Al Parker" back in 2001. Here's my eBay acceptable brief description - Al in the woods with Daniel Holt and bearded Zeke James (bootlaces, big rubberband) - probably from "Rangers" - now I need to look thru my old tapes and see if I am correct (even the chopped up VHS version should have the full credits intact) that the scene was in fact in Rangers - or, perhaps was filmed at the same time, but not released until Night Alone. Of course, now I am sorry I didn't keep Night Alone!
posted by bj at 8:34 AM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
i got nothin' you'd think i'd have more than a porno cartoon, but i don't
posted by bj at 8:53 AM
Saturday, January 17, 2009
VHS or BETA DVD? What's wrong with the picture on the right? OK, you work on figuring that out..... meanwhile, this is another classic film that has a missing scene - in fact, I think my own VHS copy is missing it, as well. There seemed to be this rash of f*cking with videos in the late 1980's, either a missing reel, or just cheap sellers who used shorter tapes to duplicate and chopped off stuff for no reason other than to fit what they could onto the shorter, cheaper blank videotape. In this film, it's a scene with Al Parker and this lumberjack bear, and I think Daniel Holt is in the scene, as well. Too Bad. Much like my beloved Turned On Cub, this bearded guy may well have only appeared in just the solitary Al Parker film, never to be seen again. And RATS! I don't even have a still pic of him! Oh, when will the gods of porn bestow a full version of Al Parker's wonderful Rangers???
posted by bj at 9:28 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
5 days, but who's counting? (the whole f*ckin planet, that's who!) I love this cover from the upcoming issue of THE NATION, with Obama being sworn into office, surrounded by civil rights figures from history. Just spotted it over at Daily Kos, and the artist, John Mavroudis, has other work here. Kind of fun at first to see how many figures you can identify, but then seeing the four young girls who were killed in a 1963 church bombing (bottom right) really hits kinda hard.
posted by bj at 8:57 AM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
posted by bj at 9:03 AM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
In that relative calm Of that all night party...before i was so rudely interrupted, i had made a concerted effort to pay a bit more attention to this here thingee, and post more frequently than I have of late. I know it won't ever be like the early years, 5-10 posts a week; but something closer to 3 times a week should be manageable. And there I am, 4 days in a row, a bit of written content, a recent silly photo, and a repost of a video clip requested by a not-yet discouraged reader. Sounds good, right? Then, Saturday evening, January 3rd 2009, a day that will live in infamy (in my mind), not long after that handsome hispanic man, toolbelt around his slim waist, accentuating his hard tight ass, with his adorable face, and easy smile... not long after he crawled across my bed, my internet connection died. he swore it wasn't his fault, and proceeded to show me my network drivers had disappeared, probably a virus, blah blah blah - hard to take from the Time Warner man, the representative of the company that not only provides my internet and cable connections, but the anti-virus software that is supposed to protect my computer. but he smiles that smile, and turns to pick up some tools, as if to say, "you enjoyed looking at my ass for the last two hours, so it wasn't that bad, right?" and walks out the door. huh? I spent a few hours that night on the phone with a different Time Warner technician, puzzled at my loss of drivers, then we find corrupt ones, but without an internet connection, hard to upload new ones..... blah blah, I won't bore you with all the details, but to say by the next day, after unsuccessfully attempting to reinstall drivers, the computer went into I'm-not-starting-up-mode. the best i could do is get to that system restore mode, where the prompt
BY CLICKING OK YOU WILL PERMANENTLY DESTROY 9 YEARS/120 GIGS OF PORNO is displayed, with no alternative but clicking OK! AHHHHHH! I quickly pulled out all sorts of plugs, and for the next 2 days watched as I feebly tried to restart and watched it churn through a horrible loop of offering options that never appeared when I click onto them. Alas, with the assistance of a tech consultant we use at work (another adorable hispanic man, but I suspect his heritage is from a different carribean island) I managed to get all my files off the hard drive and safely onto an external hard drive, re-connect my old hard drive and get the option from the Gateway wizard inside my computer to Full System Restore (w/backup). Took a few hours, and now I am painstakingly reinstalling 3 years wroth of various software and such.... so, the last thing I remember successfully downloading from the internet before this machine died was some tunes from Shriekback, so here's to the resurrection of my 'puter, sexthinkone
posted by bj at 1:07 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
mmmmmmm, wind power
posted by bj at 11:53 AM
Friday, January 09, 2009
my neglected blog New Years resuscitation then my 'puter died
posted by bj at 10:46 PM
Saturday, January 03, 2009
after 3:30 in the morningfunny how often the winter holidays can make me blue. sometimes i wonder if its 'cause several decades ago, the parents made it really fun, and i loved decorating the tree, and it was always great. and now, as an adult, it just feels like so much effort, and the cold really gets me down, and well, maybe just not having the tree, with all the decorations and lights (everything but the tree is in boxes spread amongst the closets here). or maybe i only remember the good parts of childhood, or at least the good parts of the holidays. anyhoo.... new years eve, as usual was f**kin cold as heck, and i really didnt wanna go out,. 'cept i not only promised several friends i'd meet up with them at NOWHERE, but i also made one or two promise he'd show up. i dont know if there was a point to this, except that i had a blast, drank way too much, and woke up January 1st noonish and found a top hat in my bed. whcih forced me to try to recreate how it got there, and what else happened. well, nothing juicy, but i do remember going on about the Francois Kevorkian mix of Planet Claire, and promising to post it. so there.
posted by bj at 1:56 PM
Friday, January 02, 2009
apparently, i still have a reader!BIG GUNS
 and this guy reminded me that several weeks (months) ago, I posted 1/2 a great 1980's porno scene, I posted 1/2 a great 1980's porno scene, and promised to post the second half. well, here it (f*ckin) finally is Director: William Higgins (1987) Starring: Mike Henson, Jeff Quinn, John Davenport, John Rocklin, Chris Gray, Kevin Williams, Chad Douglas, Kevin Wiles, Mike Ryan, Rocky Armano, Jeff Boote Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.
posted by bj at 10:32 PM
Thursday, January 01, 2009