"vintage" porn stars

John Atlas?

Nino Scappa, – is that you? These images are from a magazine called Take Off, from Griffin International. I don’t have the entire magazine, just a few I kept on the porn-drive. Nino’s done his film work for Brentwood and still photography for COLT; plus appearing in magazines like this one from Griffin International and Pacer ( Buns or Hot Buns)


3 replies on “John Atlas?”

I could’ve sworn I made a comment here a few days ago. Hmmm. I’ll try again.

I don’t think I ever would’ve recognized him as Nino Scappa with a beard like this. Especially with a different alias. But I can totally see him in there under the beard!

I think most men look better with a beard or mustache, but that’s just me. I swear, I can be aware of a movie star or a porn model for years clean-shaven and never take a second look. Then he grows a beard and suddenly I’m in love.

Nino looks good both ways for sure, but I do like this look A LOT.

I also am intrigued by the “Take Off” magazine. Griffin-Intl aka Magnum-Griffin is a great studio for films and mags. I also don’t have the full mag. Not even close. I only have two images from this 1979 mag in my files. Now 5 images. (Yay) The pics I have are of a guy called “Mark” I think. But I only have two of him. Maybe one day we’ll have the whole mag.

Thanks BJ!

there may be some relation to another 1979 Griffin publication VIRILE MEN, which, alas, I sold back in 2017 (the great purge/move sale). from my notes at the time:

– 8 HOT MEN – including RAY CONNORS – 8 pages! (see pic where he’s putting his boot on) total 48 pages – NO ADS! – just hot men.

why oh why didn’t i do decent scans!!???

Mmmmm. Ray Connors!

I dunno’ anything about “Virile Men,” but I’d like to. Glad to know there are more Griffin Intl mags out there. Exciting!

And as long as you’re dumping on yourself:

Yeah, BJ, WHY?! Why did you not scan those mags before you sold them? Dammit. We talked about this.

Ha. Just kidding. Everybody knows scanning is tiresome. Why did I not lovingly preserve every porn mag I had from age 14 – 30?! I could kick myself. How could I have known my porn obsession would grow into this- whatever this is? Porn enthusiast? Porn historian? Porn-ologist? Back then it was just about how horny I was all the time. But I should have known when I started creating elaborate and detailed porn wish lists and spreadsheets.

BTW…I noticed you have never done a Ray Connors profile. Just a suggestion. Although, there aren’t a lot of films. The hardest part would be the publications.

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