Director: Roger Earl (1984)
Starring: Ken Bergquist, Les Price,, Danny Connors, Dwan; with Lee Stern, Davin McNeil, Harley Andrews, introducing Rydar Hanson. Cameos by Daniel Holt and Dune Hanover (bartender)
Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer, or here if you want to download and save for later.
gosh, so much to say, so many tangents, where to begin. 1984, the beginning of the end. As you can see from this clip, video was beginning to replace film as the medium for making pornos, and for at least the next 10-15 years, few if anyone was able to make a porno that at least had the warmer, less harsh look that these crappy video outputs were. This appears to be Rydar Hanson’s first porno movie; you’d have to look to another film from 1984, AL Parker’s Head Trips, to see Rydar looking his best. It’s a simple 2 guys do it against a black background, co-starring Parker himself, and they really look so much better than this movie. And what’s with the lousy trailer??? Generally in porno, trailers are better than the full movies, cuz the trailer editor gets to make a little 2-minute movie and use just the best from the original 80 or 90 minutes – so what gives here? This is supposed to be a Drummer Magazine inspired fetish film, but you would barely know it from this trailer! Another thing, check out who you DON’T see in this clip – Ken Bergquist – yum!
5 replies on “Chain Reactions”
remind me again why I am fixing this post from 12 years ago?
I have Chain Reactions on VHS, a dupe copy made by a late friend of mine. Haven’t watched it in a while but the cumshot while the guy’s dick is in the guillotine-looking thing was terrific, I may have to dig that out soon. Agree with your original points both about videotape vs. film recording, as well as how the trailer could have picked much better highlights.
The song playing during the later part of the Chain Reaction trailer sounded VERY familiar to me, can’t decide if it’s also heard in another porn film or else may be stolen from somewhere? I wished the clip had been in stereo sound (but don’t mess with fixing it again if it took you 12 years to get around to ficing the clip lol). Especially for the dreadful yet oddly catchy theme song to the preview for Arcade that follows, now that is something! Must have been a run of previews since a third one just started up right at the tail end but you cut that off.
I think i digitized my copy last year – comes in just shy of 75 minutes…. and I wonder if it is “complete” at that length – given the type of content involved.
preview – sometimes they are added at the start or end of a tape – but I also have several tapes that are the previews only. And not sure I would have the ability to take a VHS tape and get a true stereo recording as converting to digital.
I forget which clip it was you posted here, not too long ago where you asked about trying to get an improved audio quality. I messed around with it on audacity but couldn’t get the kind of scheeching sound in the background to go away, let alone get it to play in stereo but, then you got another copy of it and replaced it (I think).
Of course the most important quality to a porn clip is the video, but it depends on whether (in the olden days anyway) the VCR was only connected to the TV or to the whole stereo system when duping a copy from a rental tape. So the audio on a lot of films recorded that way is subpar, and very hard to improve using the programs that are available now.
DVDs and online versions can change the audio around from what appeared on the tapes, both original ones and the copies so you can’t always count on them sounding the same as they were. So many of the films with Costello Presley music had a little ‘recorded in stereo sound’ notice on the box covers esp. the ones for Catalina/L.P. and from what I remember renting them, they sounded so much more professional than any other porn.
Ken Bergquist is DA MAN. He was HOTin that film loved the scene with him fucking the hot young stud with big black dildo.